Laura Clemmons
Laura Elvira Clemmons is a certified herbalist and graduate of the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies. She studied under Dr. Gu Ding in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Shen Nong Center in Philadelphia, PA, and Mayan Traditional Healing Practices and Uterine Care with Ms. Beatrice Waight, Belize. She held an apprenticeship with Linda White Dove in herbal medicine; an apprenticeship with Claudia Rosewolf in traditional North American indigenous healing practices; and an apprenticeship with Pei Fen Yan in Chinese Medicine in Boulder, Colorado. She believes that all medical modalities are life-long learning processes and that the more education one has increases the tools in one’s tool box. Along with a finely tuned sense of intuition she combines these healing techniques to create a healing protocol for her clients.
Laura comes from a lineage of Italian stregas, or healers, and strives to maintain her ties to that tradition in her practice. She named her business, Strega Gardens, after that lineage as a way in which to honor and embody the work of her ancestors. She has practiced for 15 years, and prefers to grow or wildcraft most of the herbs used, as well as make her own tinctures, tea blends, glycerites, oils, and any other concoctions that are needed.
Laura concentrates on female reproductive health. Her work attends to physical, psychological and spiritual issues, being that these systems are integrated and inseparable. Laura believes that caring for the reproductive system is one of the most important things that we can do, being that it is literally the gateway through which spirits are drawn from the ethers into this world. She feels that learning to accept and love oneself is a critical aspect of the healing path, and that paying attention to the subtle messages the body sends is a crucial part of supporting the body’s natural dance back into balance. To do this, she feels we must take responsibility for our bodies and our health, and as a result we will find the healing we seek by bringing consciousness to our everyday thoughts, words and actions. Ultimately, she feels her work is to help women to discover the medicine within, and does so through her practice as well as the classes and workshops she teaches.
Contact her at Stregagardens@gmail.com or 720-380-9916 or find her on the web at stregagardens.com.
Category: uncatagorized