Vajrayana: The Mandala Principle
With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam MDiv and Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer MS
June 20 - 27, 2019
In this retreat you will learn the historical and practical elements of the Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle), including the mandala principle, dakinis, and deity yoga. You will be given teachings and transmissions for three meditation practices on the mandala developed by Lama Tsultrim: the Mandala of the Five Wisdom Dakinis, the Mandala of the Five Buddhas, and the Five Yab Yum Mandala.
There will be noble silence and six hours of practice per day, as well as two hours of teachings. An optional oral exam will be given at the end of the retreat. We are sorry that we cannot accommodate children on the land during this retreat.
This is a required retreat for the Magyu Mother Lineage Program and the Gateway Program.
If you are also attending the Mahayana retreat and wish to stay on the land between Mahayana and Vajrayana then choose up to 3 extra nights when you register. Extra night lodging is only an option for those taking two consecutive retreats.
This retreat is open to all.
Suggested Dana: $320 -$400
About the Teachers

Lama Tsultrim Allione
Lama Tsultrim Allione is the bestselling author of Women of Wisdom (1984), Feeding Your Demons (2008), and Wisdom Rising Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine (2018). Lama Tsultrim is the founder of Tara Mandala, a 700-acre retreat center with a three-story temple and library dedicated to the divine feminine in the Buddhist tradition, […]
Learn more about Lama Tsultrim Allione
Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam MDiv
Dorje Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam has studied Tibetan Buddhism since the mid 1990’s, was authorized to teach by Lama Tsultrim Allione in 2006. She received the title of Magyu Lopön, lead teacher of Magyu: The Mother Lineage at Tara Mandala from Lama Tsultrim in 2016, and Dorje Lopön, Vajra Teacher, in 2023. Lopön Charlotte teaches […]
Learn more about Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam MDiv
Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer MS
Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. has been practicing Chöd for over three decades and has assisted Lama Tsultrim on many Chöd retreats. She has co-taught Chöd since 2013 with Lama Tsultrim and Löpon Chandra Easton. She continues to teach and lead Chöd Practices for the NYC Tara Mandala Sangha which she leads. In October 2012, she […]
Learn more about Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer MSCategories : Gateway Retreats, Gateway: Complete Transmission Retreats, Gateway: Foundation Retreats, Introductory Retreats, Magyu Program Retreats, Tara Mandala Colorado