Seasonal Teacher Seminars (By Invitation Only) - Summer Session (online)

With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Cady Allione, Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT and Lopön Debra Quayle, MA, LMFT

August 30, 2024

Online Program Online

10:00 am Aug 30, 2024 MDT

Date and Time Details: Friday, August 30, 2024 | 10:00am- 1:00pm (MDT)

Location: Online - Zoom

Suggested Dana Range : $15-$45

To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here.

Seasonal Teacher Seminars (By Invitation Only) 

These half-day seminars with Lama Tsultrim Allione and Lopöns are designed to facilitate communication and connection between Lama Tsultrim and her lineage holders and teachers as well as to provide on-going training, inspiration and support for both Senior and Apprentice Teachers. 

During the 2024 Summer Teachers Seminar we will have the good fortune to hear from our beloved Lama Tsultrim Allione and you will have an opportunity to ask her for feedback, advice, or answers to questions you may have. We will also have an update about Tara Mandala from our Executive Director, Cady Allione which will again be an opportunity for an interactive Q & A session. At lastly, as Lopön Debra passes the torch of being the Tara Mandala Teacher Training Program Coordinator to Lopön Polly, they will talk about how some of the changes you have requested will be incorporated into the program. 

This seminar will be offered via the Zoom platform. It will take place on Friday, August 30, 2024 from 10:00am-1:00pm MDT. Please use this link to see how this daily schedule translates into your timezone.

Who Should Attend? 

  • This Teacher Seminar is by INVITATION ONLY.
  • Attendance is restricted to members of Tara Mandala’s Authorized Teachers and Apprentice Teachers Programs. 

Offering dana to the teacher: The practice of offering dana, which means “generosity,” is the traditional offering the student makes to the teacher as a symbol of appreciation, gratitude, and reciprocity for receiving the precious teachings. Information on offering dana to the teacher will be provided during the virtual seminar. To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here.

About the Teachers

Lama Tsultrim Allione

Lama Tsultrim Allione is the bestselling author of Women of Wisdom (1984), Feeding Your Demons (2008), and Wisdom Rising Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine (2018). Lama Tsultrim is the founder of Tara Mandala, a 700-acre retreat center with a three-story temple and library dedicated to the divine feminine in the Buddhist tradition, […]

Learn more about Lama Tsultrim Allione

Cady Allione

Through her roles as a mother, dharma practitioner, and leader, Cady has cultivated a strong sense of compassion, patience, humor and wisdom. She has been involved with the Tara Mandala community for almost 20 years participating in retreats, guiding the organization, and supporting the sangha. In addition to her work with Tara Mandala, Cady finds […]

Learn more about Cady Allione

Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT

Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT, has been a devoted student of Lama Tsultrim Allione since 1992.   She has a BA in music performance, a certificate in Music therapy, a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and has been a licensed therapist in California and Nevada for 40 years. Feeding Your Demons® is an important power tool […]

Learn more about Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT

Lopön Debra Quayle, MA, LMFT

Lopön Debra Quayle, MA, LMFT is the Teacher Program Coordinator at Tara Mandala as well as a Licensed Psychotherapist. She has been on the Buddhist path since 1982 and has had the good fortune to receive many teachings from Buddhist teachers and Lamas in the United States as well as in Asia. She began her […]

Learn more about Lopön Debra Quayle, MA, LMFT

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