Riwo Sangchö: Self-Paced Program
With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Anna Raithel
Open Dates
Riwo Sangchö is the most widely-practiced sadhana for the Tibetan rite of sang, fragrant smoke offering. Sang is an ancient and powerful practice for purifying sickness, removing obstacles, accruing merit, and paying karmic debts. Through making offerings to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, Dharmapālas, Dakinis, and all sentient beings as well as to our ‘demons,’ obstacle makers, and obstructors, we are able to avert negativity and increase positive circumstances for all beings.
This particular practice was revealed as terma (revealed treasure) by the great treasure revealer Lhatsun Namkha Jigme in the 17th century as the men-ngag, or secret instruction, for his Dzogchen teaching cycle known as the Rigdzin Sogdrup (Attainment of the Life-force of the Vidhyadharas). It was through the performance of this ritual that he was able to remove all obstacles to the Dharma in Sikkim and revealed it as a secret land of the Buddha’s teachings.
Sang is one of the most quintessentially Tibetan practices in Buddhism, having been a part of indigenous Tibetan culture for millennia. While the outer benefits of creating auspiciousness and removing obstacles are most commonly spoken about, the true inner meaning of the ritual unveils profound pith instructions for Dzogchen practice. Lama Tsultrim’s intimate understanding of this level of meaning brings these teachings to life as she guides participants through the text, revealing the manifold interpretations of each line in this beautiful sadhana.
The course includes five filmed teaching sessions with Lama Tsultrim, the practice text and commentary, and instructions for how to do your own sang ritual. Course also includes instructional videos and mp3 downloads from Anna Raithel, Tara Mandala’s head chöpon (ritual attendant). You will receive a downloadable PDF text and commentary, complete with photos for fire and shrine set-up, and instructions for doing a simple practice with stick incense or incense powder.
Key Features
A practice to heal the suffering of samsara, through the practice of boundless compassion and abundant offering
What Will I Learn?
- Learn the widespread and traditional practice of Riwo Sangchö – “a mountainside smoke offering.”
- Remove obstacles and avert negativity
- Ease the suffering of samsara, bring benefit to innumerable beings
- Focus on healing the world and removing obstacles, both in your life and globally
Who Is This Course For?
- Anyone who desires to heal themselves and remove obstacles, both in your life and globally.
- On-demand videos with Lama Tsultrim’s teachings
- Practice text and commentary (downloadable PDF)
- There are no prerequisites to begin this course.
- All students learning via this course are encouraged, when offered, to also receive the “Lung” (oral transmission) of this practice in order to receive the full benefit and blessings of the lineage. Lama Tsultrim offers the Lung live regularly. It is free and open to all. For more information on when an upcoming live transmission may be offered or to register please go here.
Program Price: $240
Click Here for Our Cancellation and Refund Policy
Please visit the Dakini Store for optional (not required) items to support your practice, such as the Riwo Sangchö Collection.
About the Teachers

Lama Tsultrim Allione
Lama Tsultrim Allione is the bestselling author of Women of Wisdom (1984), Feeding Your Demons (2008), and Wisdom Rising Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine (2018). Lama Tsultrim is the founder of Tara Mandala, a 700-acre retreat center with a three-story temple and library dedicated to the divine feminine in the Buddhist tradition, […]
Learn more about Lama Tsultrim Allione
Anna Raithel
Anna Raithel completed her B.A. in Religion and then lived at Tara Mandala for six years, working as Lama Tsultrim’s Executive Assistant and the Temple Manager. She studied Tibetan language and gyaling, coordinated the annual Drubchens, and was the lead umdze (chant leader) and chöpön (ritual arts leader). She recently finished her M.B.A. with a focus […]
Learn more about Anna Raithel